Whenever you decide to start doing digital marketing for your business you will face one issue – where to start. Digital marketing has evolved to such an extent that there is no limitation to the number of approaches that you can use. From organic search to paid channels to growth hacking there is so much that you can try. But nobody can possibly have a strong presence on all the marketing channels and you don’t need to do that either. 

Every digital marketing channel needs you to invest time, capital and human effort. If you don’t plan your approach properly you might end up wasting a lot of resources.

1. Know Your Customers:

Well, this one seems obvious, doesn’t it? The choice of marketing channels depends upon the presence of your ideal buyers. You need to focus on only those channels that are relevant to your business. Do remember that choosing marketing channels shouldn’t be done hastily. Give this activity the research it needs. Understand your buyer’s demographics, know their preferences, where they spend time etc to find the answers to your questions. Any other step shall only help you prioritise among different marketing channels. The ultimate choice only depends on the preference of your buyers.


2. Identify Your Budget:

Your budget plays an important role in choosing the right marketing channels. Each channel will need you to invest some money whether it is a paid or organic. Once you identify your budget you will need to prioritise marketing channels based on the budget available to you. Don’t make the common mistake of thinking that organic traction is free. Whether it is social media or search engine you are paying someone to manage these activities. These should never be excluded from marketing estimates.

Businesses are rapidly moving towards digital marketing and there are good reasons to do so. If your customer is online then you need to be there as well. With so many possible ways of approaching customers online, it is becoming more and more difficult to choose the right channels. This approach to choosing the right digital marketing channels is exactly what you need to start with online marketing. 

If you are looking for specialised advice and market research for your business then feel free to contact me on and I will be happy to help you out.